High School Positions

counselor-in-training (CIT)

Counselors-in-Training, or CITs, are the gears that make summer camp go. These high school students, ages 16-18, are the work crew who help with all facets of camp. CITs experience two aspects of their job: 50% of the position is mentorship to campers, 50% is behind-the-scenes. 

Mentorship with campers looks like living in a cabin with them and working alongside the counselor to care for the emotional, spiritual and physical safety of each child. CITs get to foster meaningful relationships with campers, serving as an “older sibling” in the cabin, and making themselves available to answer questions and encourage campers in their relationship with Christ.

In addition to being mentors, CITs perform lots of the dirty jobs at camp. They wash dishes, clean bathhouses, spread wood chips, sort the mail, set up games, and sweep pretty much everything. If it happens at camp, a CIT helped make it happen! Because of this, CITs should be ready to serve with energy, a great work ethic, and the desire to see God’s Kingdom grow through their work. It’s often a hard, thankless job, but if you ask anyone who has been a CIT in the past they will tell you that it was a life-changing experience.

CITs work for half of the summer. They do one week of training followed by three sessions with campers. CITs must be a minimum of 16 years of age at time of employment, involved in ongoing personal spiritual growth, and desire to see the summer as a ministry of outreach and nurture of children.